Training and Continuing Education Units
Becoming a Certified Pesticide Applicator in Alaska
The use and sale of pesticides in Alaska are managed by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Visit the DEC website to learn more about becoming a certified pesticide applicator in Alaska.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Once you have your pesticide applicator’s license, you must earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in order to maintain your certification. More information on the re-certification process can be found at the DEC website. There are many ways to earn CEUs, including attending the AKISP Annual Workshop. See below for other opportunities to earn CEUs.
UAF Cooperative Extension Service Self-Paced Learning
ATTENTION: UAF Cooperative Extension self-paced courses for CEUs are temporarily unavailable to new registrants while we transition to a new course system. For those in need of CEUs, there will be a workshop opportunity in March 2025; more details on this workshop will be forthcoming. To receive notification via email of upcoming CEU opportunities you can join our mailing list through the UAF Pesticide Safety Education website:
UAF Cooperative Extension Service (CES) currently offers online courses to complement face-to-face workshops, allowing you the flexibility to take courses at your own pace as it fits your schedule to complete them.
Each course has a fee option to obtain CEUs for certified pesticide applicators, arborists, foresters, or other licensed professionals as described in the course descriptions below.
To receive the CEUs for each course, you must first complete the registration form.
Registration FormOnce you have submitted your registration form you will need to visit the CES payment page to complete payment for the course or courses you have registered for.
Course PaymentOnce you have registered and received your access information you may proceed with the content at your own pace. All courses require the successful completion of a quiz (or quizzes) to receive CEUs. Reminder: You must be logged in to the system to receive credit for taking the quiz. If you are not logged in you will not receive credit for the quiz.
If you do not need CEUs or documentation that you took the course, you can still access the course content and learn about the topic. Click the “View course content for free” link in the course description.
Course Catalog
Invasive Plants
Controlling The Spread of Invasive Plants In Right of Ways
This course details weed prevention and management strategies for use during maintenance of right of ways. This course is designed as four separate modules. You must complete all four modules to receive the CEUs.
Topics Include:
- Invasive species
- Best management practices
- Reporting and resources
- Integrated pest management
CEU Fee: $60/4 CEUs (Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicator)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructor: Gino Graziano, 907-786-6315,
Federal noxious weeds of Alaska
This course details the biology, impact, management, and how to report Federal Noxious Weeds of significance to Alaska. This course is a single module.
CEU Fee: $15/1 (Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicator)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructor: Gino Graziano, 907-786-6315,
Bird vetch in Alaska
This course details the biology, impact, and management of the invasive plant bird vetch as well as decision tools for control and how to report invasive species. This course is a single module.
CEU Fee: $15/1 (Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicator)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructor: Gino Graziano, 907-786-6315,
Orange hawkweed in Alaska
This course details the biology, impact, and management of the invasive plant orange hawkweed as well as decision tools for control and how to report invasive species. This course is a single module.
CEU Fee: $15/1 (Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicator)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructor: Gino Graziano, 907-786-6315,
White Sweetclover in Alaska
This course details the biology, impact, and management of the invasive plant white sweetclover as well as decision tools for control and how to report invasive species. This course is a single module.
CEU Fee: $15/1 (Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicator)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructor: Gino Graziano, 907-786-6315,
Invasive Slugs
This course details the biology, impact, and management of slugs in Alaska as well as decision tools for reporting invasive slugs in Alaska. This course is a single module.
CEU Fee: $15/1 (Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicator)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructor: Gino Graziano, 907-786-6315,
Content authored by Joey Slowik,
Exotic forest insect pests
This course details exotic forest pests and their management. Topics include forest health, pest groups, pest identification, invasive species, reporting, and resources. This course is designed as four separate modules. You must complete all modules to receive the CEUs.
CEU Fee: $60/4 (Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicator, ISA Certified Arborist, SAF Certified Forester-Category 1)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructor: Alex Wenninger, 907-786-6309,
Content originally authored by Jessie Moan
Spruce aphids in trees and forests
This course details the biology, hosts, and habitat, and management options for spruce aphids, including tree care practices and pesticides. This course is a single module.
CEU Fee: $15/1 (Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicator)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructor: Alex Wenninger, 907-786-6309,
Content originally authored by Jessie Moan
Spruce beetle in trees and forests
This course details the biology, hosts, and habitat, and management options for spruce beetle, including tree care practices and pesticides. Spruce beetle are a native species to Alaska that cause significant change to forests when outbreaks occur. This course is a single module.
CEU Fee: $15/1 (Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicator)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructor: Alex Wenninger, 907-786-6309,
Content originally authored by Jessie Moan
Insect Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Peony Production
This course details common insect pests of peonies in Alaska, how to monitor and manage these pests, and best management practices for reducing non-target impacts on bees and other pollinators when treating insect pests in peonies. This course is a single module.
CEU Fee: $15/1 (Alaska Certified Pesticide Applicator)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructors: Gino Graziano, 907-786-6315,
Alex Wenninger, 907-786-6309,
Plant Pathogens
Exotic Plant Diseases
This course is divided into four modules: Bacteria and Phytoplasmas, Fungi, Oomycetes, and Viruses. Each module gives background information on the group and more specific information about exotic pathogens.
CEU Fee: 0 (currently not eligible for CEUs)
Don’t need CEUs? View course content for free
Instructor: Alex Wenninger, 907-786-6309,
Content originally authored by Todd Steinlage, Alaska Division of Agriculture